As an educator, do you place the needs of the students, their families, and your co-workers before your own? Are you putting their happiness first and selflessly supporting them in achieving the best version of themselves, while ignoring your own self-care? Your emotions, energy, and encouragement fuel the people around you, but what's fueling you?
It is vital to take time to be intentional about your personal wellness. Nourishing your body, heart, mind, and spirit, is essential for you to be the best for yourself and your school community. Self-care comes in various forms and gives you the energy you need to be authentically you. Below are several ideas for integrating self-care into your schedule:
Creatively design and prepare healthy meals and delicious snacks.
Complete exercises like yoga, pilates, or barre routines, that calm your mind, tone your muscles, and lift your spirit.
Stretch your body before leaving the classroom for the day, and release emotions and negative energy.
Take time to properly rest and sleep.
Organize and clean, find small projects to complete for a sense of accomplishment.
Read. Read. Read. And allow yourself to be swept away.
Collect inspirational quotes, affirmations, or uplifting poems in a notebook.
Extend grace to yourself and others.
Focus your energy on kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.
Make time to spend time with friends and family in deep conversations (heart, mind, and spirit).
Create space for alone time.
Play soothing music after school while working in your classroom or driving home (mind and spirit).
Get outside and into nature. Spend tranquil time at a park, in the woods, on the beach, or in your own backyard.
Engage in aromatherapy and ease your mind and relax your body by surrounding yourself with the delightful smell of essential oil candles and spray.
Treat yourself to a spa session, manicure, and pedicure, or hair appointment. If you prefer to stay home, enjoy a warm bubble bath.
Reflect on personal victories and write them in a journal.
Set aside time to focus on the things that bring you happiness.
Focus your energy on learning new or continuing with a favorite hobby.
Learn to set boundaries and say no to taking on more responsibilities.
And remember, when packing-up and preparing to leave school for the day, praise yourself for doing the best you could, and remind yourself, you will do your best again tomorrow.
